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Yep it does.

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Q: Does a metal detector use magnets?
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Can a metal detector detect items under water?

Yes, you can use a metal detector in the rain if....... The detector is made for underwater use. If the metal detector is made for land use, put a cover over the electronics housing. Many of the top manufacturers sell rain-proof covers. Be sure your headphones are waterproof!

Is there a age limit to use a metal detector?

NO why would there be

When was the inventor of the metal detector born?

the metal detector was invented because people in old days use to use it so they could find stuff in there body I think

What metal detector did David Crisp use to find the from hoard?

He used a Minelab Explorer SE Pro Metal Detector with a standard head.

Where do you get the metal detector in the boardwalk diary of the wimpy kid in poptropica?

Get the keychain from the seagull near the man with the metal detectorthen go up to your inventory and click use and he will give you the metal detector

How can YOU use magnets?

You could use magnets to push things like another magnet or you could pull metal things to it.

What are the difference between sensor and metal detector?

metal detector is sensor

Can you use a mp3 player radio for making a homemade metal detector?

No, this is not possible. Firstly, MP3 radio's do not exist and an MP3 player is a Music Player, not a metal detector.

Is it illegal to use a metal detector in celeburne tx?

No, but it depends what you doing with it and where?

What do you use the metal detector for on poptropica wimpy boardwalk?

to find coins

How do you get Sapphire on my sims?

you pull weeds or use your metal detector on candypalooza