a penny
can gatorade clean a old penny
A bronze penny has a reddish-brown color due to its copper content, while a zinc penny has a silver appearance. You can also check the date on the penny, as pennies made before 1982 are bronze and those made after are zinc.
a cent
From 1860 to 1967, the British bronze Penny was 30.81 mm in diameter.
For many years up to and including 1792, the British Penny was silver. From 1797 to 1860 inclusive, the Penny was copper. From 1860 until its last minting in 1967, the Penny was bronze. From 1971 to 1992 inclusive, the decimal (New) Penny was bronze. From 1992 to present, the decimal Penny has been made from copper plated steel. The only British decimal coins with any brass in the alloy are the One and Two Pound coins.
Brass? No. Bronze yes. A few bronze 1943 Lincoln cents were made by mistake.
Yes mountain dew can clean a penny because there are acids in the formula. towards the penny and an acid can clean a pennny..You can also use toothpaste on a cottan ball or ketchup. Using an acid to clean a penny will destroy the collecting value of the coin.
One of the best way to clean bronze memorials is to use biodegradable soap. A small amount of biodegradable soap should be applied to a nylon scrub brush and used to clean the bronze memorial.
All British bronze Pennies from 1860 to 1967 have the words "ONE PENNY" on the reverse.
It will clean the penny. :)