Say Hallae! Which means hello. Anhilna fey! means beatiful fairy. I fyou are unsure a fairy is near, say Elhen! If you here a faint replay back, a fairy is near.
Fairies do not exist. They are a fantasty, therefore there is no possible way to get a real fairy to come to you.
No. Fairy eggs are not real. If fairy eggs aren't real then where did all the fairies come from?
I do not think that she will come to your house but some other fairy will
this might be hard to believe but the tooth fairy is not real. i found all my teeth in my moms dresser
.... The toothfairy isn't real.
Fairies are not real. And no fairy's means no fairy dust.
The tooth fairy is a mythical character and does not have a universally recognized real name. The concept of the tooth fairy varies across cultures and there is no definitive answer to what her real name is.
They are not real and you can not be a fairy.
the tooth fairy is real
no the tooth fairy is not real perants tell kids that
If you think the tooth fairy is real then you are dumb. The tooth fairy is DEFFINETLY NOT real.
No. Neither fairies nor fairy dust are real.
They are not real