There are 2 players with the same amount of players each (7-10).
You will need to have players with different abilities. (Defenders, attakers, and so on)
You have to position them so that the defenders are defending the attackers until they have been knocked down. You have your players standing up on a surface with either some in front or behind one another. Who ever takes the first attack places the crazy bone on their back and points their head in the direction that the target is in. You simply flick the crazy bone from its feet with either your index or middle finger across the floor. If you miss the target, then it is the opponents turn. If you hit the target the opponent places the crazy bone that has been knocked down in a knocked down pile. The first player to knock down all the opponents' crazy bones down is the winner.
Do not place your crazy bones to close together otherwise when the opponent takes their go your player and is hit is will rebound in to another one of your players and they will get knocked over. If your opponent has just taken their go do not take yours straight away because the might not have put the player up that they have just used. If you do take a shot even though the opponent has not put all their players up you do not take another go.
about 90-100
You do not know what Go Go crazy bones are in the packet.
we will be launching gogo's crazy bones web site on September 15th 09 gogos crazy bones team
kind of but not really
you play crazybones by setting them up and rolling them along a surface
Just type 'Gogos crazy bones' on Google and click on the top link. its that simple.
Go to google and type in toy whiz then go in the website and look for crazy bones on the toy list and click on any series.
There are no rares in Series 2.
yes, we should stop it
In ancient Greece kid used to play with sheeps knuckle bones and they based it off of that
The golden moshie is the rarest
about 15 - 20 a pack