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Q: How is human suffering connected to human desires?
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Gautama Buddha received enlightenment by?

The holy one acheived enlightenment by ending human suffering after no longer having desires

What is a state of perfect understanding that comes from desires and suffering?

Enlightenment comes from overcoming desires, attachments and aversions. By reaching enlightenment a person overcomes suffering.

Why did Buddha want to get rid of selfish desires?

Buddha wanted to get rid of selfish desires because it leads to sorrows. Answer: From the Four Noble Truths: # All life is suffering # Al suffering is caused by desire # There is an answer to end suffering # The answer is to follow the EIghtfold Path From this it is clear that the end of suffering comes from the elimination of (selfish) desires.

What is the root cause of all suffering?

The root cause of all suffering is typically identified as desire or attachment. When individuals become attached to particular outcomes or possessions, they set themselves up for disappointment and suffering when those desires are not met. Buddhists believe that by releasing attachment and desire, one can alleviate suffering.

What did the Buddha say caused human suffering?

The texts tell us that the Buddha discovered that our own; thoughts words and deeds are the primary cause of our own suffering. Suffering generally is the result of 'ignorance' of the laws of cause and effect. Suffering is the result of our attachment and aversion to composite phenomena, things that do not last.

How do the human suffering is important how are the sufferings of human are important?

Without suffering, there is no compassion. Sometimes you can learn from suffering

What philosophy taught that people should give up all worldly desires?

Buddhism teaches the concept of giving up all worldly desires in order to achieve enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhists believe that attachment to worldly desires leads to suffering, and by cultivating detachment and letting go of desires, one can attain inner peace and spiritual awakening.

What did Buddha say to human suffering?

They did not like the idea of human suffering. They want peace and happiness

What religion believes that to stop suffering is to give up desires?

Buddhism teaches that the root cause of suffering is craving and attachment to desires. By letting go of desires and attachments, one can achieve liberation from suffering and reach a state of enlightenment. This principle is central to Buddhist philosophy and practice.

What is the root of all suffering?

Human desire causes this suffering.

Has Science fulfilled human desires?

Science has advanced human knowledge and technology, leading to improvements in health, communication, and quality of life. However, science alone cannot fulfill all human desires, as some desires are emotional, spiritual, or philosophical in nature. Science continues to progress, but human desires are complex and multidimensional.

What do the Four-Noble Truths teach?

The Four Noble truths teach about suffering. For Example: everyone suffers from the desire for material things, but overcoming these desires will bring suffering to an end.