The United States active tank fleet stands at more than 2,400. During World War 2, the US employed a total of roughly fifty thousand tanks, more than half of which were the ever famous Shermans.
Who makes the US tanks. Fighting planes and. War ships
About 88,000 tanks. After America decided to get involved in the war, the manufacturing of the US was kicked into high gear.
The top three manufacturers of chemical tanks in the US are Pro Tanks, Pressure Chemical Co. and Mix Tanks. The regulation and containment of chemicals in the US is a big business.
janapneese tanks were weak compared to the russains and Americans
The US had no tanks there and the troops didn't the main land either. Airplanes were used to destroy those cities.
The US Army tank platoon in Vietnam held 5 Patton tanks. 3 tanks were called the heavy section, and the remaining two tanks were called the light section. After the VN war the US Army changed to something more closer to the metric system; 4 tank platoons.
More than 2000, less than 3000. (US)
Only about 1,300 Tiger tanks were manufactured. In contrast the US built 88,000 Sherman tanks, and relied on vast numerical superiority to offset the tremendous qualitative edge enjoyed by the Tiger and Panther tanks of Germany.
WWII thru Vietnam was 5 tanks per platoon. 3 tanks led by the LT was the heavy section, 2 tanks led by the platoon sergeant was the light section. After Vietnam, everything changed.
600 tanks
During WWII, US tanks burned gasoline for fuel; during the Vietnam War US Patton and Sheridan tanks used diesel for fuel.