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H stamps have a face value of 33 cents and were used beginning on January 1, 1999.

None are particularly scarce except for one H post card rate which was printed but never issued. However a few were actually used.

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Forty four cents.

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Q: How much are US 1st class rate H stamps worth today?
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How much for stamps today oct1?

First class one ounce is 44 cents domestically.

How much is a US 1 ounce stamp worth?

That depends on many factors. A stamp is worth its face value for use as postage. If you have something that is old and is rare, it could be worth some money. Today's First Class postage stamps are 44 cents.

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Around 4000-5000 depending on condition.

How much do First Class letter postage stamps cost today in US cash?

44 cents is the going rate for an ordinary first class stamp.

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How much is a forever stamp worth today?

Currently you can purchase it for 44 cents. The Forever stamp is worth the cost to mail one ounce of first class mail. It will always be worth that much regardless of how much it costs at the post office.

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The postage rate varies for each country. In the US, the rate for a second ounce is much less then for the first. You could expect to mail at least 3 ounces for two First Class stamps.

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