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i have milk bottles from the shaw dairy just wondering what there worth?

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Q: How much are a old glass milk bottle worth?
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How much is a 1917 blue glass milk of magnesia worth?

The value of a 1917 blue glass Milk of Magnesia bottle can vary based on its condition, rarity, and demand among collectors. However, on average, a bottle in good condition can be worth anywhere from $20 to $50. It's recommended to check online marketplaces or consult with antique bottle experts for a more accurate valuation.

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Sun crest classic bottle worth 30,000 to 90,000 thousand

How much is a orange crush bottle with a Pat date of july1920 engraved in the glass clear bottle worth?

about 20 bucks

How much is mrs butterworth glass syrup bottle worth?

Maybe $3 - $5 dollars in amber. There is an extremely rare green glass variant that may be worth as much as $1000.00

How much did a carton of milk cost in 1915?

Milk did not come in cartons in 1915! Milk came in pint or quart size glass bottles in English speaking countries and in liter size bottles in other countries. You bought the bottle and the milk. You could exchange the bottle when you bought a new bottle of milk or purchase a new bottle. Most people exchanged bottles.

How much is a glass 1 liter Coke bottle and Cap worth?

It is worth nothing.

How much is a glass bottle worth?

It's about 50 $ they don't have them anywhere and there hard to find collectors love them

How much is a brown glass log cabin syrup bottle with Indian on front worth?

You must be kidding.

How much is a orange crush with a Pat date of july1920 engraved in the glass clear bottle worth?

about 20 bucks