how much is a 1920s oken oscar record player worth not the records but the player
Spear-tone by Lionel
It really depends on a number of factors. Dean record players seem to have been popular in the 1950s, but their value depends on what condition yours is in; how rare is the particular model that you have; what year your machine was issued; and whether collectors have a demand for the model of Dean you own. The best way to find out what such a machine is worth is to visit a site like eBay and see what Dean phonograph record players are selling for.
You'd have to pay someone $5 to take it!
Condition and model (1400 1430 b,c,k, etc ) is everything, up to a $100 is average.
sometimes it's worth 3,000 dollars if it works
about a 1000 dollars
I actually can't find anything regarding this model either. I'm selling this exact model on eBay right now for a friend of mine. If you'd like to get an idea of what it's worth, just do an eBay search on auction 220529474231.
Lil Kim was born on 11 July, 1974. She is a model, rapper, author and record producer. Her current net worth is estimated at about 18 million dollars.
With an Apotar lens £50 - £75, or with the Solinar lens £100 - £140
what is a 1929 model a worth
what is a Savage 300 model 99 worth?