The British Shilling and the Shillings of most other Commonwealth countries are part of long redundant currencies which no longer have exchange rates with any other currency.
There were 20 Shillings in a Pound and 12 Pence in a Shilling.
At the time of Britains conversion to decimal currency, 30 Shillings converted to £1.50 GBP.
Many other Commonwealth countries ceased to use the Pound and changed to the Dollar, so 30 Shillings converted to $3 in those currencies.
The British currency changeover occurred in 1971.
30 British Shillings in 1971 had the purchasing power of about £14.20 GBP today.
30 British Shillings in 1971 had the purchasing power of about $22.81 USD today.
The Australian Shilling is part of a now redundant currency and subsequently, no longer has an exchange rate.
At the time of Australian decimalisation in 1966, Thirty Shillings converted to $3.00 AUD.
30 Shillings Australian in 1966 had the purchasing power of about $28.26 AUD today.
NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations by a purpose designed program for which I can take no credit. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation.
30 Shillings GBP in 1738 had the purchasing power of about £201.00 GBP today. NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations by a purpose designed program for which I can take no credit. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation.
30 Shillings GBP in 1954 had the purchasing power of about £27.52 GBP today. NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations for which I cannot take credit. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation.
30 Shillings GBP in 1910 had the purchasing power of about £101.98 GBP today. 30 Shillings GBP in 1910 had the purchasing power of about $167.98 USD today.
when first made, 1 guinea was 20 shillings which was £1 it then became 30 shillings A guinea was worth 21 shillings, so 2 guineas was worth 42 shillings, which was 2 pounds and 2 shillings (£2.10p in todays currency).
It was 30 shillings
30 Shillings GBP in 1793 had the purchasing power of about £127.11 GBP today. 30 Shillings GBP in 1793 had the purchasing power of about $206.71 USD today. NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations for which I cannot take credit. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation.
a gold licence cost 30 shillings equal to ($1.50)
about $100.00 dollars for a regular par of jordans
30 pounds
A shilling was 1/20 th of a British Pound before decimalisation, so 30 shillings would have been 1 pound 10 shillings, or £1.50 in todays money.
Thirty shillings is equivalent to £1.50p (one pound and fifty pence) in decimal currency.
In British currency, the value of a shilling in 1830 was equivalent to 12 pence. Therefore, a pension of 30 shillings would be calculated as follows: 30 shillings * 12 pence/shilling = 360 pence. So, a pension of 30 shillings in British currency from 1830 would be equivalent to 360 pence.