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Q: How much is a 1873 lady's slipper coin worth?
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How much is it worth 1873 Prince Edward Island Lady Slipper coin?

It's not a coin, it's a religious token. In French, "La Vierge" refers to the Virgin Mary.

1910 silver coin with a ladys head on it what is it worth?

Please post new question with a denomination

What is a 1873 dime worth?

From $18 to $265,000 depending upon the condition of the coin, the mint mark and which variety the coin is.

How much is a LEOPOLD 11 ROI 1873 5 coin worth?

22.340.959 coins were struck in 1873. Value : about 15 dollars in good condition.

What is a 1888 pfenning worth?

The 10 pfennig coin was first issued by the German Empire on 1873.

How much is a trade dollar from 1817 worth?

Check that coin again. The first trade dollars were minted in 1873.

What is an 1852 2 cent coin worth?

Please check your coin again. The U.S. only struck 2¢ pieces between 1864 and 1873. Post a new question with the coin's date and condition; that will help ID it.

What is a1911 half dime worth?

The last Half Dime was struck in 1873. Please look at the coin again and post new question.

What is a 1873 20 dollar liberty head gold coin worth?

$1,370.00 to $2,650.00 retail in circulated condition assuming no mint mark.

What are the coins if you have two US coins that are worth a total of 3 cents and one of them is not a nickel?

A penny and a two cent coin. (The two-cent coin was produced in the United States from 1864-1873)

What is value of 1873 Liberty Bell coin?

Please look at the coin again and post new question. No U.S. coin dated 1873 has a Liberty Bell on it. And also include the denomination.

What is the value of Elisabeth d g Regina 1873-1973 25 cent coin?

That coin commemorates 100 years of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the Mounties). It's worth 25 cents.