That motto (or variations thereof) is on the coins of most countries of the British Empire minted during the reign of King George V.
Please post a new question with the coin's denomination and country of origin. If there's no country shown, the coin is from Great Britain.
It depends on condition, you should take it to a coin dealer for an appraisal.
That long string of gibberish is a series of abbreviations for the Latin phrase meaning "George V, by the grace of God King of all Britain, defender of the faith, Emperor of India."
The 1920 Great Britain 3 Pence are worth about a $1 U.S. if they have been circulated. Fully uncirculated coins can be worth as much as $40.
that is worth about $50,000
The life of someone who earned it
how much is a georgivs vi 1948
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
Briit Nicole net worth is unknown
how much would a georgivs vi dei gratia rex 1948 quarter worth
I do not think it will devalue the stone any, but it has certainly devalued the coin. Modified coins have no collector value.
What is the value of a 1862 half penny. Victoria D G Britt reg F D
soda in the 1920's were worth 3 cents.