

Best Answer

Check the back of the coin under the words FIVE CENTS.

If there is nothing between the E and C, it's worth about $1 (retail) in average condition.

If there's and "S", it's worth $2-3.

If there's a "D", $6-7.

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Q: How much is a 1927 five cent coin?
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A five cent coin from 2005 is worth five cents.

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It's still worth five cents.

How much is a five cent gold piece dated 1886 with a D after the five worth?

The D after the 5 means dollars not cents, the US has never made a five cent gold coin. Take it to a coin dealer for an idea if value.

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Depending on how much wear the coin has values are $3.00-$5.00

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It depends on the currency and the coin. In the US a penny is one cent, a nickel five cents, a dime ten cents, and a quarter twenty five cents.

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A jitney, as used in your question, is an old term used when referring to a nickel coin. It is not in use very much today.

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A 5 cent coin typically weighs about 5 grams.

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It's still worth 1 cent.

How much is a five cent German coin worth?

No such coin - Germany did not issue 5 cents. They issued 5 pfennigs. Also date not known. Condition is most important.