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It is impossible to determine the age of such a utensil based on the number of tines or the material of the handle. Such utensils were some of the first eating tools made, but are still produced today.

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Q: How old eating utensils with wooden handels and two tines?
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Fork spoon hybrid?

The "spork" is an eating utensil shaped like a spoon with short tines.

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The metal tines of a kalimba vibrate when plucked or struck, producing sound through the resonance of the wooden body of the instrument.

What is aSpork?

A fast food eating utensil. Basically a spoon with short tines on the end like a fork.

Which untensil has tines?

Tines are the prongs on a fork, which we use to spear food.

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What are tines of a fork?

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What are the pointed ends of a fork called?

the sharp 'prongs' of a fork is called a tine/tines. they are the pointed things you pick at your food with! :P lolz (incase you didnt know ahahahaheheh) hope this answered your question! :)

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Example sentence - The tines of the fork are not aligned.

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