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Well, it depends on whether a writer or basically anyone is trying to tell specifically the gender. For example, you might say she-elf or he-elf. Sometimes you say elfess and elfon (or something). So you're right, but it depends on particularly if you want to show the gender.

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14y ago

Every Elf is an Elf wether they be male or female. Just like how all Humans are Humans no mater the gender.

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Q: If a male ELF is called an Elf what is a female ELF called?
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What is the name of the Film about a female princess elf or fairy who marries a male elf or fairy?

I think it'd called the Magical Legend of the Leprechauns :)

In Yugioh is Ancient Elf a male or female because the card says He but it looks like a female instead of a male?

The card is of a female elf, the description is just messed up for some reason.

Is an elfin a female elf?

Well, you could say that, but, its really called an Elfino. An elf who likes to play guitar and lick various objects. Your welcome.

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to elf yourself, go to

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Yes, the Blood Elf male's dancing animation is based on the dance from Napoleon Dynamite.

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How do you get a real living elf?

well, Santa is not real but i believe elf dolls are. there is no way to get a real live elf like one that will move right in front of you and talk to you. but if you want a elf you can go to elf,,or there is a place called creative kids toy shop where they sell an elf called elf magic. you can go to elf and then go to north pole supply post and it will tell you stores that have elf magics in your area. good luck!

What is a mischeivious elf called?

A mischievous elf is often referred to as a prankster or trickster, playing playful or naughty tricks on others.