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Q: Is the 1780 r imphu bo reg m theresia dg silver?
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What country is this coin from with r imp bo reg m theresia d g on one side and burg co tyr 1780 x archid avst dux on the other side?

It is an Austrian coin. In that time Maria-Theresia had The Netherlands, Belgium, and a part of Germany in her Empire! This is a very commun coin, called: thaler. Hundreds of millions were struck, and even in the 20th century the coinage was continued in different countries. This coin has become a symbol...

Where to find reg ice in soul silver?

u cant u Moran he is only in the gba games and platinum

How tall is Reg Reg Askew?

Reg Reg Askew is 5' 11".

What does P reg mean?

they are the supes that have different labels on the reg like P reg,L reg,M reg and so on

What is the birth name of Reg Reg Askew?

Reg Reg Askew's birth name is Reginald Askew.

Is the Sahara desert a reg?

yes, it is a reg.

What reg is w reg?

around about 1999

When was Reg Reg Askew born?

Reg Reg Askew was born on November 30, 1972, in Bronx, New York City, New York, USA.

What year is a y reg?

Well, an X reg and Y reg car would be Made at 2001.

How tall is Reg Land?

Reg Land is 6'.

N reg what year?

N Reg prefix plate 1995. N Reg suffix letter 1974

What nicknames did Reg Thomason go by?

Reg Thomason went by The Squire of Effingham, Reg the Actor, and Reginald Clare.