you have to mine or use your metal detector to find amber . and its on every island.
in my sims kingdom where is the key to the crabs? Use the metal detector in the water near her and dig it up it will be there
go to trevor island and eqip the metsl detector
you use the metal detector to find onxy
Go to rennee's nature presurve and use the metal detector thing and there sould be sapphire oh and you misspelled Sapphire it's spelled S-A-P-P-H-I-R-E.
Wii console.
To find Jade, you need to get your Metal Detector(4th item on the menu at the top right of the screen) out and search in Cutopia.
Treasure Finder!
YoU hAvE tO cOmPlEtE tHe RoCkEt ReEf