no light needed to see it, also the whole back is printed smaller than the front.
Five Pound notes from England, Australia and New Zealand only had the serial number on the front.
Can you give any further details of the Five Pound note, like the country of origin and design on both sides?
mine was on the front of front motor mount
Please post a new question with the bill's date. Serial numbers rarely affect a bill's value. Also, U.S. bills have their serial numbers on the front. If your bill is from a different country include that in your post.
Front of frame, below barrel, and in front trigger
The numbers 308 are not the model number.That is the caliber.Include the model and serial number so we can answer why the letter A appears in the front of the serial number.
There will be a two letter designation in front of those numbers that will pinpoint the engine.
There were no serial numbers beginning with the letter O, and the largest serial number without a letter in front was 16.831.099, in 1899. Check your number and then see the link below.
Automatic transmission serial numbers are found on the front of the housing. It will be displayed on a barcode that will be inlayed on the transmission housing.
The serial number plate is on the front of the frame below the handlebars, behind the headlight. For 16-digit serial numbers, go to the Yamaha web site. For serial numbers less than 16 digits, take the number to a Yamaha dealer and ask for a search from Yamaha Japan.
Serial numbers are on the barrel just in front of the receiver, along with a date or date code and identification of the arsenal where the weapon was made. Carcanos were made at six different arsenals for more than 50 years, so the serial number doesn't have much meaning other than to match barrel and stock.
1000000 pounds, if it is currency, then put the 'pound symbol' in front. It looks kind of like an L.
Savage firearms bought Stevens in 1920. Brownells can also supply a generic front sight.
Both serial numbers need to be present (there is one on each half of the front side).