An Elder of The Universe, Tryco Slatterus was born over 5 billion years ago. His fighting supremacy has earned him the title of Champion...Champion of The Universe.
The Champion is one of the oldest living beings in the universe, being born right after the Big Bang. Being truly immortal, he grew bored and devoted himself to physical self-perfection.
The Champion travels the galaxy from planet to planet challenging each of the planets champions to battle using a form of fighting native to that world; effectively mastering that fighting style. In fifty thousand fights on twenty thousand worlds, the Champion has never lost.
In his first appearance, he battled several of Earth's greatest heroes and defeated them all with ease. The Champion, along with other Elders, attempted to kill Galactus in order to restart the Universe. He traveled to Earth to defeat the Silver Surfer and suffered his first defeat at the Surfer's hands. They failed in the attempt to kill Galactus. During this encounter he came into possession of one of the Infinity Gems, the Power Gem. Later in Thanos's Quest, Thanos tricked Champion into giving him the Power Gem. After Thanos had the gem he left Champion to plummet to a nearby planet. Being immortal, Champion survived the fall.
On that planet he was given some power wristlets, mystical in origin, that greatly augmented the wearer's power. Champion then defeated the entire planet and sought out Thanos, to get revenge for being tricked. Having confronted Thanos again, Champion was teleported away by Thanos, to a different part of the universe, before he could attack Thanos. Extremely angry, Champion destroyed a lifeless planet. He then got into a brawl with the Silver Surfer but got knocked out by Drax the Destroyer, who was now in possession of the Power Gem, before he could finish the fight with Surfer. The Surfer then destroyed his wristlets.
Once again in possession of the Power Gem, Champion settled down on a planet called Skardon. The Skardon natives settled all their disputes in a trial by combat. Champion became the ruler of the planet by defeating all of the Skard's most powerful fighters. Champion let the living conditions on Skardon deteriorate and told them he would continue to do so until a worthy opponent was found. The Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Drax the Destroyer, Gladiator, and Beta Ray Bill all responded to the challenge, Champion defeated all of them. The She-Hulk then fought Champion though he initially defeated her.
With her legal knowledge as a lawyer, she found a loophole in the rules. The loophole was that by Skardon law any weaponry or foreign objects were prohibited in battle, She-Hulk argued that the Power Gem was a foreign object. She-Hulk was then granted a rematch with Champion and time to prepare which she used to work out as Jennifer Walters so She-Hulk would be exponentially stronger. Without the Power Gem and with her She-Hulk form being stronger than ever, she defeated him and Champion suffered his first real defeat.
Humiliated by his defeat; Champion sought out a Watcher to locate She-Hulk's greatest enemy in order for him to get his revenge. He was shown the life of Mary 'Skeeter' McPherran the super-villainess called Titania; a constant She-Hulk foe. Champion offered the Power Gem to Titania so she could destroy their shared enemy.
Deadpool Corps
The Champion has recently appeared on the Deadpool corps miniseries where he is not convinced that a team which membership includes only Deadpols from alternate realities is enough to save the universe. The champion goes and confronts the Deadpool corps but gets tricked by the corps and is left on a solitary planet.
The Champion as Championpool
After a while The Gardener comes and retrieves The Champion and aids him on finding the Deadpool Corps to confront them a second time only to end up being convinced to join the team.
He auto proclaims himself as leader of the team, as he is the only one suited for it. Moments later he gets fooled into going to a moon to battle as part of a trick, as his motorcycle tank was emptied to just hold enough fuel to get to the moon by Lady Deadpool .
Strength Level :
The limit of Champions strength has yet to be seen, but he possesses at least class 100 strength enabling him to easily lift 100 tons in earth's gravity. When Champion wore the power gem on his brow, his strength was limitless enabling him to lift any object or break any barrier. His physical strength was so great that he destroyed an entire planet while in battle with Thanos.
Champion's body is enhanced and fueled by The Power Primordial, the eons old energies released at and from the birth of the universe. The Power Primordial grants the champion superhuman abilities far and beyond that of most super humanly powered and even cosmically powered beings. Unlike other Elders of the Universe Champion chose to to channel his vast energy into his body. His energy enhances his strength, speed, agility, and endurance making his body the perfect fighting machine. The energies in his body make him immortal so that he cannot die or be killed by any conventional means. Champion is also immortal in a way that even "regular" immortals cannot match. Death has barred him from her realm, so that even if a force that should normally kill Champion were set against him, he would still not perish. No form of injury no matter how severe can ever kill him. His skin, musculature and organs have been enhanced to the point that he is invulnerable to all physical harm, and nothing short of molecular dispersion can injure him. His reflexes and agility are dozens of times greater than an Olympic athletes. He doesn't need to eat or breath, The Power Primordial nourishes, sustains and grants him endurance so great that he is totally inexhaustible not tiring after any exertion.
Champion has mastered thousands of Martial Arts learned throughout the universe on thousands of different worlds. Champion trains and practices the majority of his life.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 9'2"
Weight: 2050 lbs.
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Red
The song is called Perfect In Between by Champion.
The song is In Between by Champion
A person who collects comic books is called a comic book collector or a comic book enthusiast.
Peter Sellers
he is the undisputed WWE champion
Chess World Champion
A person who writes comics is typically called a comic book writer, or simply a writer in the comic industry.
He is a host to a game show called Jeopardy and not a comic
Comedians .
A "Comic"
In Denmark, the comic strip Peanuts is called "Radiserne."
One example of a comic dance performed in the Philippines is the danced called the Buti Buti. Also, another comic dance performed in the Philippines is called the Badjao.