How much is a ( Estados Unidos Mexicanos Un Peso 1943) worth?
How much is a 1988 madero 500 worth
Please post a new question with the coin's denomination.
A 1971 cinco pesos Estados Unidos Mexicanos coin is worth its face value in Mexico, which is five Mexican pesos. However, if the coin is in mint condition or has numismatic value, it could be worth more to collectors.
It's a common circulation coin worth about 20 cents.
It is worth US$25-30
A 1981 20.00 cultura Maya Estados Unidos Mexicanos coin is typically worth its face value or slightly more to collectors. Its value can vary depending on its condition and any potential collector interest.
The gold coin you are talking about is a "Centenario" and it is worth about $1,200 dollars (or 785 Euros).