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kryptonite, and retardium(a very rare metal, usually found in Siberia) they are both commonly used to smuggle guns.

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Q: What can a metal detector not penetrate?
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What are the difference between sensor and metal detector?

metal detector is sensor

What metal can a metal detector detect?

A metal detector can detect all types of metal....depending on in what type of soil it is in.

When was the metal detector made?

The metal detector was invented in 1931 by Gerhard Fisher.

How do you bypass a metal detector with weed on you?

A metal detector will not find vegetable matter.

Is there a metal detector guy on the beach?

Depends on if he's a quantum "metal detector guy". If he is, then maybe.

How do you find the best metal detector?

Look for the metal detector with the most discoveries and deepest penetration.

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is there any metal detector company by the name "Zealot"

Can you walk through a metal detector with your inhaler in your pocket without the metal detector going off?

it depends if the inhaler is metal

How do you get metal through metal detectors?

In general, you can't get metal through metal detectors. Only the smallest bits of metal will not cause a metal detector to alarm. If the sensitivity of the detector is set too high, it may be possible to get a small piece of metal past the detector, but that is something that cannot be counted on.

Can duct tape set off a metal detector?

No, duct tape can't set off a metal detector.

Where can one purchase a Minelab metal detector?

One can purchase a Minelab metal detector as a precious metals show and convention or online at Amazon or any metal detector website. Plus shipping of course.

How do I tell what type of metal my metal detector is responding to?

Metal detectors are different and my main advice would be to look into the manual of the metal detector you purchased. Sometimes there are settings where you can configure your detector to only respond to certain metal characteristics. If you got a really basic metal detector one of the prime methods is to simply investigate by digging up the object in question.