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Q: What did Elizabethan fairies reward people for?
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What are Elizabethan fairies like?

according to old English Folklore Fairies, especially in Elizabethan times were meant to be wicked creatures. referred to as 'little devils' they would punish people and play nasty tricks on them. Seen with a Dark complexion to represent their wickedness, and dressed in Green to represent nature they are symbolized as human like the people of the time. The only instance of the fairies having wings was in Shakespeare's play A midsummer Nights dream, where he describes them as 'small humans with wings'. After that the deputation of fairies was immortalized as fairies bearing wings and flight. Fairies were seen around the home in Elizabethan times, and liked to see houses clean and clear from dirt. If the house was kept, fairies would reward the people dwelling there with food. If the house was dirty they would punish people with killing livestock and crops, souring milk and dairy, sickness or even death. A popular punishment from fairies was a 'pinching' where they would pinch all over the body till it was covered with bruises. Fairies of the age needed humans to help them acquire meat and bread, they especially like dairy. If the humans failed to provide them with what they wanted they would sour milk and make butter not churn. Elizabethan people believed that fairies were souls of the dead, or shadows that were not in heaven or hell, and from this they were believed to hold supernatural qualities and powers which could help them with what they wanted. Although in Shakespeare's play he represents them as caring and king creatures, Elizabethan folk were horrified by their wrath. they feared them and their tricks and complied with what they wanted. \

What has the author Minor White Latham written?

Minor White Latham has written: 'The Elizabethan fairies' -- subject(s): Fairies, English literature, History and criticism, Characters, Folklore, Knowledge, Fairies in literature, Mythology

How do you interact with fairies?

some people interact with fairies badly like they don't exist but some people love and care for fairies and believe in them.

Do fairies really excisit?

fairies do not exist .the people who say that they have seen fairies have actually seen an illusion .

Where did Elizabethan Era people throw away their toilets waste?


Do most people believe in fairies?

fairies are fictional characters that are make believe but most people do believe in them

Why can't people be a fairy?

People cant be fairies because they are humans and they dont have wings. But Fairies are NOT human

Can fairies transform?

yes they can, you might hear people talking about fairies and you only see a piece od dandilion, they are fairies

Are Fairies seen as a bad omen?

Well it depends if your really believe in fairies. If you do most people believe fairies to be good

Which is the difference between the fairies and the humans in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

The fairies are magic and the people are not. The fairies can make themselves tiny, or invisible, and can change people's heads into donkeys' heads.

How did the British feel about fairies?

We british people feel that fairies are evil and devilish creatures!

Is there a spell that can change people in to fairies?

No. Humans cannot turn into fairies or vice versa.