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Q: What do Scottish fairies eat?
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What do Scottish faeries eat?

They don't eat anything cause there are no Scottish fairies. Haggis! Lots of Haggis.

Do werewovles eat fairies?

no. werewolves do not eat fairies. That Might be but I think a werewolf would eat pretty much anything.

What do water fairies eat?

water fairies eat fish. they drink alot of water

What do beach fairies eat?

They eat little children.

What do water fairies like to eat and drink and eat?

they eat poo

Do fairies eat jaffacakes?

all the time

What food do fairies eat that humans eat also?

pixie dust

Does fairies live in houses?

yes fairies live in houses.they also like to eat or drink honey and milk.

What do sun fairies eat?

sunflower seeds of course

What is real fairies favourite thing to do?

eat themselves

What do fairies love to eat?

nectar also milk

How do fairies eat if they're so small?

Fairies are not real, but if they were, they could probably eat for a whole year on just one cracker. But those wings do burn a lot of calories.