Women Airforce Service Pilots were noncombatatant ferry pilots who shuttled aircraft from factory to bases from 1942 to 1944.
Perhaps it is the LHD-1 Amphibious Helisopter Dock.
It could be a reference to the USS Wasp, HMS Wasp, the British APC equipped with a flame cannon, a WWI American Tri-Plane or the 1960 Westland Wasp British Naval ASW Helicopter.
WASP=Women's Air Force Service Pilots WASP=Washington State Patrol
stand on it!
White Anglo Saxon Protestant
World aquanaut security patrol
Stingray was a British television show in the 1960's. The acronym WASP stands for the World Aquanat Security Patrol.
Grab a empty mean green bottle or some other spraying bottle you can fill. Fill it with about 3/4s water and then some dish soap. Then spray wasp or wasp nest. this wont really leave a smell and it kills wasp.
Women Airforce Service Pilots
WASP stands for "White Anglo Saxon Protestant".
No. Wasp appears in the stand alone sequel to Ant-Man titled Ant-Man & the Wasp [July 2018] and presumably she will appear in the second half of Infinity War, Avengers 4 in May 2019.
It is not a military custom it's a military command, 'stand at ease' means to relax from the 'stand to attention' command.
Depending on how it's used, it could stand for "Military Specification", meaning the ability to withstand shock, dust, or harsh environments.
Military Specification