That there is Cheer 1, Cheer 2, Cheer 3, Cheer 4, and so on. Levels are like how advanced the class is. Cheer 1 is easy and Cheer 5 is more difficult.
In competitive cheerleading, levels are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and very rarely 6. 6 is a level for college students
It means senior level 4 stunts and level 2 tumbling. (backhandspring, round off backhandspring)
Jv is composed of freshmen and sophmores.
All cheerleading levels are different. Around where I live which is ohio, you would be in probably be in range 4 or 5 depending on how good you are at certain tumbling and gymnastics moves.
they are like 1.5 milloin teams in the us isn't that alot i mean i didint even now that they had that much Cheerleading teams
Yes, competitive cheerleading is a sport. All-Star cheerleaders incorporate high levels or stunting and tumbling into 2:30 routines which they take to competitions all over the country, leading to the Cheerleading Worlds
I'm not quite sure if you mean teach cheerleading or if you mean to take a class yourself... Usually to take a cheerleading class the youngest age is usually 3 years old. To teach a cheerleading class I'm not sure, it usually depends on the gym/studio that you want to teach at. Sorry, hope that helped a little(:
I am not sure because in All-Star higher levels here in the North they require you to have it
some people are able to start at 3 years old but it doesnt matter how old you re
Cheerleading, one word.
ella hace cheerleading that means she does cheerleading in spanish
If you are looking for cheerleading auditions in New Jersey it will be by a cheerleading store. If your looking for cheerleading auditions in another state it will be bye a sports center or also a cheerleading store.