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Q: What does horseshoe and H5 stamp mean?
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Can I have names that start with H?

my name: hailie, but here r sum more.. hallie heather Hannah Haley Hank Hanzel Hannah Hanna Hugh Harleigh Harley Higinia <H2>Answer</H2> <UL> <LI> <H5>Hunter</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Hayden</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Hallie</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Heather</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Helga</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Harold</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Harry</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Hope</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Hester</H5></LI> <LI> <H5>Hannah</H5></LI></UL>

Is a horseshoe a invertebrate or a vertebrate?

I am assuming you mean horseshoe crab, in which case they are invertebrates.

You had two sex in the beginning of december.and the the end of november.not sure who the father is?

You will have to wait until the baby is born, then run a DNA check on the two men. <h5>Sperm usually lives for up to 72 hours; therefore, a woman can conceive any time within those three days. Your post is not a question, although you ended it with a question mark.</h5><h5><br>If you are asking how you can determine who the father is, you have options. </h5><h5>1) DNA test</h5><h5>2) ultrasound to determine how far along you are</h5><h5><br>I would assume that your OB will tell you that a DNA test is the way to be 100% certain.</h5>

What does and upside down horseshoe mean?

This is an old belief that a horseshoe tacked up upright will fill with good luck and an upside down horseshoe will drain your good luck.

What is Sword Art H5 Game?

Sword Art H5 is my playing web game, launched Instantfuns! Do you know it?

What is the difference between an H3 and H5 Homeowners Insurance Policy?

If I knew the difference of an H3 and H5 I would not be asking the question.

What does the horseshoe on Saint Patrick's Day mean?

St. Patrick always thought that a horseshoe meant good luck to the beholder.

What does an upside down horseshoe mean?

not catching luck

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What does the a18 stamp mean

What does Germany stamp mean?

A stamp from Germany.

What is the difference between H5 and H1 in influenza?

H1 influenza is a hog virus and I'm not sure about H5 (i used my Prier knowledge on this 1)