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It means that you will like it. Something you are interested in.

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Q: What does the idiom right up on your alley means?
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What does the idiom right up his street mean?

I think you mean "right up his alley," which means it is something he would really enjoy or really do well.

What does right up one's alley mean?

If something is right up your alley it is something you enjoy, something your familiar with or something you're good at. For example, if a kid is athletic and enjoys sports, then a field day is right up that kid's alley.

What idiom has a description of surrender?

An idiom that means surrender is to "wave the white flag." A closely related idiom is to "throw in the towel" which means to give up."

What the idiom on the up and up mean?

It means things are trustworthy.

Where does the phrase Up your alley come from?

The phrase 'up your alley' means that it is something that you like or might be good at. For instance, a good athlete may find football up his alley.

What does the idiom het up means?

Het up means excited or agitated; heated up.

What does the idiom crack someone up mean?

The idiom "crack someone up" means to make someone laugh or amuse them greatly.

What does the idiom Put a sock in it mean?

It means shut up!

What does nose in the air mean?

Picture someone holding their nose up in the air - they look very aloof and snobbish, right? That's what this idiom means.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'sized him up right'?

"Sizing" means judging what size someone is, as if you were measuring them for clothing. If you "size someone up," you measure them as a person and decide what kind of person they are. "Sized him up right" would mean that they had decided correctly.

What is the meaning of the idiom get up the courage?

It means to gather up enough courage to do something.

What is the meaning of idiom keep up?

It means stay with the rest of the group.