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A 1777 Carolus III is a classic however the condition of the coin can vary on the worth. An appraiser can inspect the coin to decide the worth but it could be just a few dollars for the coin or more depending on any additional added features the coin may have.

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Q: What is a 1777 Carolus III worth?
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How much is a Carolus III coin worth?

Without knowing more information about your coin, all I can say is that it could be worth anywhere from a couple dollars to over $1,000 I suggest you try searching the Coins section of eBay for matching items and see what they sell for : Good luck!

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A coin issued by the Jacobite pretender Charles Edward Stuart (Charles III)

When did William Byrd III die?

William Byrd III died on 1777-01-02.

Who was the ruler of great Britain in 1777?

King George III

How much is silver 1778 Carolus III coin worth and what country is it from?

It would be a Spanish coin and you need to provide measurements or a denomination for us to know if it is an 8 reale or 1/2 reale coin or anywhere in between.

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The value of a 1794 Carolus V coin would actually depend on a number of factors. Most important of these factors would be the condition of the coin.

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A dollar.

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It normally fetch $150 US as of 2006

How much is a collection of 1777 stamps worth?

There were no postage stamps from 1777. They were first used in 1840. You must be referring to stamps commemorating something that happened in 1777. You will have to identify them in a catalog to determine the value.

What is III III's net worth?

115 million USD