1903-S is a common date for $5 gold pieces. In circulated condition, it's worth about $120 A nice uncirculated coin is worth $300-$600
ACTUALLY, This coin is worth far more than $120 circulated. at current gold prices this coin is worth EASILY $240.
If it's in FAIR shape, you can get $300 for it.
It depends on where it was minted and it's condition. This is the $5 Indian Head Gold "Half Eagle" design.
In 1913, this coin was only minted in Philadelphia and San Francisco.
If minted in Philadelphia, it is worth between $270 and $11,000 depending on condition. If minted in San Francisco, it is worth between $310 and $12,000
To view the price guide for each minted coin based on condition, view the source links below
The high price of gold means this date is generally worth more for its gold content than as a collectible. Depending on how worn it is, it would retail for $200 to $275.
The coin is a Sacagawea dollar, it has no gold and is worth $1.00
About $1,000 for its gold content.
it is worth a dick
One dollar, and the coin contains no gold.
It's made of brass, not gold, and is worth one dollar.
Retail values are the same regardless of mintmark at $650.00-$770.00 for circulated coins and uncirculated start at $820.00
A Canadian $20.00 gold coin is worth around $400.00
The coin is a Sacagawea dollar, it has no gold and is worth $1.00
It's not made of gold, and it's worth one dollar.
It's worth one dollar.
It's still worth a dollar.