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1903-S is a common date for $5 gold pieces. In circulated condition, it's worth about $120 A nice uncirculated coin is worth $300-$600


ACTUALLY, This coin is worth far more than $120 circulated. at current gold prices this coin is worth EASILY $240.

If it's in FAIR shape, you can get $300 for it.

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15y ago
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14y ago

It depends on where it was minted and it's condition. This is the $5 Indian Head Gold "Half Eagle" design.

In 1913, this coin was only minted in Philadelphia and San Francisco.

If minted in Philadelphia, it is worth between $270 and $11,000 depending on condition. If minted in San Francisco, it is worth between $310 and $12,000

To view the price guide for each minted coin based on condition, view the source links below

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17y ago

$200 to $250 depending on condition, mostly for its gold content.

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14y ago

The British have never issued a Five Dollar gold coin.

The Royal Mint produced Five Pound gold coins periodically, but not in 1900.

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16y ago

$300 to $350 depending on how worn it is.

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17y ago

$200 to $250 regardless of mint mark.

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10y ago

150 to 200 dollars

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14y ago

25 cents

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