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Q: What is a EMGE 22 cal 6 shot pistol with 67 made by Gerstenberger you Eberwein Gussenstadt model 3713 be worth?
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How much do you think my Gerstenberger Gussenstadt 22 short model R610 could be worth?

Gertenberger made inexpensive revolvers in Gussenstadt West Germany in the 1950s. Most were banned from import when the 1968 Gun Control Act was implemented. Values, sadly, are low- $40-$75- maybe $100 for a new-in-box specimen.

Looking for the company name of a 22 cal omega 52062 made in Germany model 100 hand gun?

I have one and just got the following info. I can't swear by it, but it seems ok. Omega Model 100 made Early 60's by Gerstenberger & Eberwein Co. West Germany. They also made a similar or maybe same gun as a "EM-GE", Model 22-KS

What is the age of a Gerstenberger model 22 serial 41151?

No published sn data.

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A Daisy pistol model is a hand held gun like the model 15XT that shoots BB's

Value ojf 25 cal mab pistol?

Between 1921 and 1982, MAB made several pistol models in .25: model A vest pocket pistol model B vest pocket pistol model E pocket pistol model GZ pocket pistol (actually made under license by Spanish gunmaker Echasa, as MAB Espanola) The value will depend on which model it is, which version of that model, and condition. Since 2010, the range for the above pistols is about $50 - $300.

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