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Are there any other markings on the underside of plate?

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Q: What is a Wm Rogers IS setting for eight ForksKnivesSpoonsServing Spoons from approx 1930 you believe worth?
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How much is 1847 Rogers bros IS remembrance worth?

I have a 1847 Rogers Bros. IS Rembrance that consists of 12 pc full setting (Large forks, small forks, teaspoons, tablespoons, knives, 5 pcs server set, 6 pcs long spoons, 6 pc butter knives, 2 sugar spoons and am womdering what the value is?

How much is1847 rogers brothers 1st love silver set?

I have a 1847 Rogers Bros. IS Rembrance that consists of 12 pc full setting (Large forks, small forks, teaspoons, tablespoons, knives, 5 pcs server set, 6 pcs long spoons, 6 pc butter knives, 2 sugar spoons and am womdering what the value is?

What is a1 silver?

1708 wma rogers silver spoons? Worth?

What is a 34 piece set of Wm rogers mfg co presidential spoons?


What does the letters AA on the 1847 rogers bros spoons mean?

It's a silverplate marking meaning "heavy".

What are the kinds of table setting?

Table settings can include silverware, plates, and bowls. There may also be soup spoons, napkins, dinner forks and spoons, and water glasses.

What is the name of the shape for fritters portioned with two spoons?

I believe it's a 'quinelle'.

Why have restaurants stopped setting spoons on their tables?

Restaurants used to place spoons, forks, and knives on the table along with a napkin, Right? Well people dont set spoons down because most people these days dont purchase food that would need a spoon. Rarely people order soup.

Who holds the record for the most spoons balanced on their face?

aaron caissie was supposed to be Guinness world records 2010 with 17 spoons on his face and if you don't believe me go to this linkhttp:/

How much sugar is in a 2 liter of pepsi?

56 cups of sugar can u believe that

What is filipino table setting?

Filipino table setting depends on what type of food is being eaten. If it is Chinese food, then you use chopsticks. Otherwise, forks, spoons and knives are used. In the most traditional restaurants, you eat with your hands.

What is the value of 4 wm rogers silver presidential spoons silver with the presidents Washington Jefferson John F. Kennedy and john Adams?

They're only worth about 7.50 each right now. Sorry. I just inherited a set, and have researched it. These spoons are available online now for about 7.50 to 8 dollars each.