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The Shamash candle..........

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Q: What is a candle which lights other candles called?
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What lights a menorah?

The Shamash is the candle that lights the other candles

What is the candle used to light the other eight candles on the channukiah?

The candle used to light the other candles on a channukiah is called a 'shamash'.

What does the candle in the middle mean?

The middle candle is called the SHAMUS. Since it is prohibited to utilize the light from candles that fulfill the commandment, it is necessary to have an auxiliary light source to prevent accidental use of the commandment lights. The middle candle is also used to light the other candles or to relight candles that were blown out. This non commandment candle is placed above or to the side of the commandment candles to identify its function.

What are the candles that are lit at Hanukkah called?

The Hanukkah candles don't have names, except for referring to them generically, as neirot Hanukkah (candles of Hanukkah). The one candle which does have a name is the extra one, used to light the others, which is called the shamash (helper).See also:More about Hanukkah

What is a lighter used to light a candle called?

The candle that is used to light all of the other Chanukkah candles is a Shamash.

What are menorah candles called?

They have no name. Only the helper candle (used to light the other 8 candles) has a name. It's called the Shamash.

What is the name of the special candle used at Hanukkah?

The candle used to light the other candles on the menorah or chanukiah is called the shamash.

What is the candle used to light all the other eight candles in a menorah?

It is called the Shamash

What is The highest candle on the menorah?

It is called the Shamash. It is used to light all of the other candles on the Menorah or Chanukiah.

What is the highest candle menorah called?

In Hebrew it is called the Shamash. It is used to light all of the other candles in the Hanukkah Menorah or Hanukiah.

What is the name of the candle used to light the other candles on Hanukkah?

It is called the shamash (servant). See also:More about Hanukkah

How mnay candels does a menorah usually hold?

The menorah holds nine candles. Eight of these candles each symbolize one of the eight days of the celebration of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. The ninth holder, called the shamash is for a candle used to light all the other candles.