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{| |- | Scott Number 2453 You can purchase one of these for 20 cents used or mint from a dealer. This minimum value indicates that it has no real value. Dealers typically will purchase stamps at around 25% of the catalog value. Consult a stamp catalog such as Scott's, for a description on how stamps are rated and graded. |}

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15y ago
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12y ago

Note that this stamp is not from 1880s, that is when the canoe that is pictured is from. This is Scott # 2453 and 2454. It was issued in 1989 and has a minimal value and can be purchased for mint for 25 cents and 15 cents used. A dealer isn't going to want to purchase one.

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13y ago

Scott US 2453 and 2454

Not much, I'm afraid. It isn't from 1800's, it was printed in 1990. There are two varieties and they both are listed at minimum value, meaning that a dealer isn't likely to give you anything for them and you can purchase it for a quarter new and 15 cents used.

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