This is a general term used to describe a low powered firearm, usually a rifle, usually a .22, which was used in the shooting galleries which were popular at state fairs and the like prior to the 1970's. They usually shot .22 short ammunition (which was low powered and the cheapest at the time). Winchester 1890 slide action rifles were among the most popular gallery guns.
22 LR
about $100 in good condition
Try gun shops, gun shows, garage sales, want ads,
Yes.As a matter of fact most of the model 1890,s were gallery guns used across the country in circus and traveling shows.
The value is between 130-300 dollars for a rifle showing between 10%-70% of its original finish remaining.You may add another 50% to the above stated value due to your model 62A being a gallery gun with the gallery style loading port.
sounds like a model 12 (Gallery). The value is GREATLY dependent on condition, condition, and condition. Anywhere from 200 to 1,200 with the 90% crossing into the 600 and up value.
There's no specific way to win it. Just aim in the middle of what you want and if you don't get it, try again.
There are: art galleries, photo gallery, movie gallery, Coop gallery,commercial gallery, nonprofit gallery, window gallery, projection gallery and lots more galleries
It's known as a "Gallery Gun" (as in shooting gallery) and was made in 1936. If it was in brand new condition and you had the box and the paper work, you could get $1500 for it, if it's been beat up or refinished, $500
they are the gallery
Layout Gallary or layout Gallery or leyout gallery