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A pack of climbers

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Q: What is a group of climbers called?
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What do you call the people who help climbers climb mt everst?

People who help climbers reach the summit of Mount Everest are called 'guides'.

Did roger hall write a play called social climbers?


What is a plant with leaves that have net veins called?

gumamela :)

What is the swirly things on the playground called?

If you are talking about the swirly pole thing, they are called corkscrew climbers.

What is a climbers thumb?

I learned it was called a hitchhiker's thumb. its when your thumb is bent backward at the top.

When did phu dorji climb Everest?

he climbed the mount Everest in 1985 with a group mountain climbers. one of them among them was ahluwalia.

When was Climbers - novel - created?

Climbers - novel - was created in 1989.

What is the collective noun for climbers?

A collective noun is a party of climbers.

What mountain is good to climb in Australia?

The most famous climbers destination is Australia is called Ayers Rock.

What are the two people out of touching the void called?

the two climbers out of touching the voids names are joe and simon

What are the names of the Ice climbers in super smash brothers?

The pink one is a girl called nana. the blue one is a boy called popo.

What is the other name for climbers?

Another name for climbers would be mountaineers.