a sedan chair is a enclosed chair that is borne on two poles by two bearers. The chair carries the occupant, a taxi for one. Usually the luxury of being carried was reserved for members of the nobility. The name comes from the town of Sedan, in France, where they were first used. They appeared in England as early as 1581 and survived into the 1800's. Two man chairs were also available
Well its a piece of cake with a chAIR ON IT
A chair carried on poles is called a sedan chair. This type of chair was historically used to transport one person who was carried by a team of bearers.
there can be two
A "Sedan chair" was a chair on poles carried by two people; one in front, one behind.
Its called a palanquin
A Litter, palanquin or sedan chair.
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson because he was shot
A palanquin or sedan chair. A litter.
The sedan chair, steam locomotion and aviation.
Depending on size it would be called a litter if it was larger -capacity of several passengers, or sedan chair if it was smaller - one-passenger size.
thomas jefferson because he was shot