I have a spoon that has a picture in the center of it which on the back say 1877 is it worth anything
The value of an 1877 Niagara Falls Silver Co. spoon could vary in price. In 2014, it could be sold for around $5.00.
made in Niagara Falls by Oneida Silver Company - 1877 is not the date but a serial number. Fairly common worth @$5.
There are many shops and online businesses where one can have a silver spoon engraved. Tiffany and Co. is one place and online there is the Silver baby gift.
I have a 1883 b rogers silver co pitcher what is it worth
The "IS" stamp on a silver spoon likely stands for International Silver Co, which was a prominent American silver manufacturer. The stamp helps to identify the manufacturer of the spoon and can also sometimes indicate the silver content of the piece.
The value of a sterling silver pin spoon made by Tilden Thurbers Co. varies greatly with condition and style. Many of these spoons sell for about 40 to about 80 dollars.
International silver Co, US, used an Indian head mark.
Wondering waht sheets rs co 1875 silver trays, silverware are worth
Hi, HF is the Makers Name and they are worth something they are not the same quality as silver
Do these two silverware companies use sterling silver or silverplate: Internationl & co., and Imperial.
Hello, I don't know the history of this company but I have a silver plated old spoon with j.dolfinger & co. stamped on the back of it. Maybe they were retailers.