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Surprisingly, the actual name for a group of sand dollars is "a fortune." The term "sand dollar" refers to the round flat shape of the rigid endoskeleton which apparently reminded American sailors and sea-farers of a large coin when they spoted them washed up on beaches, bleached a dazzling white by the sun. This comparison to coinage and money led to the eventual use of the term "fortune" to describe a large group of these marine animals, which can congregate by the hundreds on sandbars just below the surface of the sea floor.

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Echinodermata; they share the phylum with sea stars, sea urchins, brittle stars, and sea cucumbers.

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== == The name sand dollar is a reference to their round flat shape, which is similar to a large coin.

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14y ago
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Sand dollars are a part of the Genus Dendraster (Echinoidea: Clypeasteroida)

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11y ago

The sand dollars belong to the phylum Echinodermata, which is under Kingdom Animalia.

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SAnd dollar's Phylum is Echinodermata and class is Echinoidea.

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The scientific name of common sand dollar is Echinarachnius parma.

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Q: What is the genus name for a sand dollar?
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What genus is a sand dollar in?

Sand dollars are actually an entire order of invertebrate animals. Therefor, there are many genera of sand dollars. However, the Common Sand Dollar belongs to the genus Echinarachnius.

What is the genus and species for a sand dollar?

Genus and species is Clypeaster subdepressus

What is the family genus and species of the sand dollar?

It differs from species to species. For example, let us take Western sand dollars. Their scientific name is Dendraster excentricus.Family name is DendstrasteridaeGenus is Dendraster.Species is Dendraster excentricus .

What was a sand dollar called before it was named a sand dollar?

A sand dollar was called a geopolitical dollar

What is the scientific name for pancake sand dollar?

Echinarachnius parma

Is a sand-dollar a vertebrate?

"Is a Sand Dollar a vertebrate?" No. A sand dollar is not a vertebrate because it does not have a backbone.

Is a sand dollar a echinoderm?

Yes sand dollar is an echinoderm.

Does a sand dollar have a backbone?

no. a sand dollar is flat.

Does a sand dollar have eyes?

Click on the link for a picture on a different website.

Scientific name for a sand fly?

The scientific name for sand flies is Phlebotomus or Lutzomyia, depending on the genus of the specific species. These small insects are known for transmitting diseases such as leishmaniasis through their bites.

Is the sand dollar an echinoderm?

Horizontial or vertical, depending on where you cut it.

Is sand dollar a flower?

Sand dollar is not a flower. Sand dollar is a flat living marine creature. They are closely related to star fishes.