i have one original piece .. untouchable with price 12000 us dollars non discussable.
If one is not 50 paise,thn the other 1 is 50 paise....
Rupees - Rs. (plural) Re. (Singular) Paise - p
100 paise
The other one is.
1 pulse = 113/303 rupees =11300/303 paise = 37.29 paise.
one fifth of a rupee. There are 53.7 rupee to a dollar, and 100 paise to a rupee.
Before 1957: 4 Paise were equal to 1 Aana and 16 Aanas were equal to 1 Rupya (Rupee). So, 1 Rupee was equal to 16 x 4 Paise; i.e. 64 Paise.
In Words: One Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Five Paise Only In Numbers: Rs.1500/45
25 paise
25 paise