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Farthings were not minted from silver, only bronze in 1901.

If you have a silver Farthing it would be because somebody has plated it.

Modified coins have no collector value.

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It will be either a coin, or a medallion resembling a farthing.

If somebody has actually made a medallion out of a Farthing, modified coins have no collector value.

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Q: What is the value of a 1901 silver farthing?
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What is the value of a 1907 British silver Farthing?

Farthings were made from bronze. If you have a silver Farthing, somebody has plated it and it is subsequently of no value as a collectible.

What is the value of an 1825 and a 1901 British Farthing?

See the links to the related questions below.

What is the value of a 1937 silver farthing?

British farthings were made of bronze, not silver. Check that coin again. Modified coins have little or no collector value.

What is the value of an 1816 British silver Farthing?

British Farthings were never minted in silver, and no Farthings were minted from 1808 to 1820 inclusive.

What were Victorian coins called?

British coins issued during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 to 1901) included -Five Pound (gold)Two Pound (or Double Sovereign)(gold)Sovereign (One Pound)(gold)Half-Sovereign (Ten Shillings)(gold)Crown (Five Shillings)(silver)Double Florin (Four Shillings)(silver)Halfcrown (Two Shillings and Sixpence)(silver)Florin (Two Shillings)(silver)Shilling(silver)Sixpence(silver)Groat (Fourpence)(silver)Threepence(silver)Twopence (sometimes Half-Groat)(silver)Three-Halfpence (silver)Penny (copper or bronze)Halfpenny (copper or bronze)Farthing (copper or bronze)Half-Farthing (copper or bronze)Third-Farthing (copper or bronze)Quarter-Farthing (copper or bronze)

How much is a 1946 Great Britain Farthing on a sterling silver chain worth?

Modified coins have no collector value.

What is the value of a 1901 silver dollar?

A 1901 silver or dollar is also known as a Morgan Silver Dollar. It is ninety percent silver and usually worth at least forty dollars even in poor condition.

What is the value of a 1901 US silver dollar with a dent on it?

Not sure of the dent size but you should get at least $10.00 - 15.00 in silver value

What is the value of a 1901 sliver dollar?

Is it a Morgan Silver dollar? Try Aboutdot.coins

Penny farthing relation?

A farthing was 1/4 of a penny.

What is the value of a 1975 British Farthing?

The last British Farthing was minted in 1956.

What is the value of a Victorian 1890 silver farthing?

There is no such thing as an 1890 silver farthing, as there were no Victorian silver farthings ever made (the only silver farthings I'm aware of are those struck by hand in the 1100-1400s!). If you mean an 1890 farthing, they run about $1-2 in circulated condition and about $10 if in great shape. However, if your coin is silver looking, chances are it is plated and therefore considered to be damaged to coin collectors, putting your coin in the range of about $1-2 or so regardless of condition.