The value of a 1,000 Afghan note in US dollars is $17.33. The Afghan is the official currency of the country Afghanistan.
these days about $358 dollars is how much i sold mine
Please check your bill again and post a new question. There are no $1 bills dated 1939.
Blue Note Records was created in 1939.
What is the value of the shortest note
Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. The United States didn't print any paper currency (US Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, or Silver Certificates) dated 1939.
A very good quality used example would be worth $10, rising to as much as $285 in mint uncirculated condition.
No, the amount of the promissory note is the face vale not maturity value. Maturity value is the value of the money on the promissory note after a period of time.
I think you meant what note has the half value of the quarter note (or crotchet). In that case the answer would be eighth note (quaver).
The dotted note is half again the value of the regular note.
The highest value Euro note is €500.
What is the value of a Gutschein 50 pfhennig note
value of one hundred yuan note from 1941