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I also have German coins with a swastika on them.

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Q: What is the value of a 1993 German pfennig?
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How much is a ten pfennig?

A pfennig was one hundredth of the German unit of currency, the DMark. Since this was replaced by the Euro, a pfennig has no currency exchange value.

How much is a pfennig?

A pfennig was 1/100 of the German unit of currency

What is the definition of the German word pfennig?

it is an old currency penny like the old value of a farthing in England

What is the value of a 1939 German pfennig mint B?

50 to 75 cents, assuming average wear.

What is the value of 1929 10 German pfenning?

The value of a 1929 10 German pfennig coin can vary depending on its condition, but it is typically worth around $1 to $5 USD in the numismatic market.

How much is a 1979 German 2 pfennig worth in us dollars?

The 1979 German 2 Pfennig is worth about 2 dollars depending on its condition. Some of these coins can be more valuable including the 5 Pfennig coin.

What is a 1984 German coin with a lady planting plant on one side and BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND PFENNIG 50 D ON THE OTHER SIDE VALUE?

It is worth nothing. The Germans no long use the mark, but are on the Euro. When it was used a 50 pfennig was about 5 cents. One pfennig was a penny.

Where is a deutschland penny from?

Since "Deutschland" is German for the country of Germany, the coin in question would be from Germany. "Penny" here is a bit of a misnomer, however, since the equivalent of a penny in German currency would have been a "Pfennig." There were Pfennig coins in circulation from the 9th century until the introduction of the Euro/cent in 2002. It was in 1873 with the introduction of the Gold Mark its division by 100 to equal 100 Pfennige that 1 Pfennig was assigned the value of a penny (or one cent). Previously, the Pfennig had been a coin of more value.

What does a mint mark of a on a 1913 German 1 pfennig mean?

Sorry that was suppose to say a mint mark of an "A" on the PFENNIG.

What is the value of a 1924 pfennig?

The value of a 1924 German penny varies greatly depending upon the condition of the coin and where the coin was made. The values vary between $6.75-$81.00.

What is the value of a 1970 pfennig?


What language is pfennic from?

Pfennig is a German coin that was used before the country's currency change to the euro. So, it is from the German language.