Whatever a Bomber or CFL fan will pay for it theres no set price.
The value may depend on which two players signed it.
about $50,000 - $75,000
1967 rams football whats it worth signed by all players
a football signed by Daryl Johnston Dallas Cowboy is worthninety dollars
3 dollars
the value of a football signed by the stoke city team is worth about 1 million quid. your really lucky to get one. stoke are the best team in the world!
probaly about $100
Sports fanatics often buy signed football shirts and get them framed. Framed football shirts adds value to the shirt and they can look nice in any room.
Many of the signed footballs are worth prices over $200 each. The exact price will depend upon the condition that the football is in.
Michael Irvin you say? Current value about £26.37 and a balloon