The only reference I can find to a 2007 Australian 1 Dollar coin featuring a Koala is to a pure silver 1 ounce coin with a current value of about $30 AUD. It would probably be suitably packaged in a case.
The first Australian Dollar coin was issued in 1984.
Such a coin does not exist. The Australian Two Dollar coin was first issued in 1988.
Such a coin does not exist. The Australian One Dollar coin was first issued in 1984.
The first Australian Two Dollar coin was issued in 1988.
The first Australian Two Hundred Dollar coins were issued in 1980.
The conversion rate between the Australian dollar and the Indian rupee is one Australian dollar to 56.42 rupees. One rupee equals 0.02 Australian dollars.
The Royal Australian Mint never issued a Twenty Dollar coin until the 1990's and then usually in a mint set of bullion coins.
Australian two-dollar coin was created in 1988.
Australian one-dollar coin was created in 1984.
The last Australian One Dollar note was issued in 1982 and they were progressively withdrawn from circulation after the introduction of the One Dollar coin in 1984.
No. The Australian Two Dollar coin was first issued in 1988.
Australia did not have a Dollar coin in 1944. Decimal currency was introduced in 1966 and the paper Dollar note was replaced with a Dollar coin in 1984.