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Q: What is the value of a 50 Canadian maple leaf coin?
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What is the Diameter of a Canadian Silver Maple Leaf?

The diameter of a Canadian Silver Maple Leaf coin is 38 millimeters.

What Canadian coin has the maple leaf?

The 1-cent coins and the silver RCM Maple Leaf coins.

What kind of leaf is on the back of the Canadian 1 cent coin?

maple leaf

What is the value of a 1959 Canadian 1 cent maple leaf coin?

It's worth about 2 cents for the copper.

What is the value of the Canadian maple leaf?

Canada has used the maple leaf design on cents (pennies) for decades. Please check your coin again and post a new, separate question with its date.

What is largest minted and circulated gold coin in the world?

A copy of Canada's gold maple leaf coin in the royal Canadian mint in Ottawa with a face value of 100,000,0 Canadian dollars.

What is the face value of a silver maple leaf coin?

The value of a Silver Maple Leaf varies depending on multiple factors, including year, mintage and condition. Check out the Silver Maple Leaf page at for more about the coin itself and to gauge pricing. APMEX - The Gold Standard in Precious Metal Trading

What is the value of a Canadian maple leaf penny?

The maple leaf was featured on all Canadian pennies dated 1937 through 2012 (except for 1967). The value depends on the specific date and condition.

What is the value of a Canadian gold maple leaf?

The value of a Gold Maple Leaf varies depending on multiple factors, including the gold content, year, mintage and condition. Check out the Gold Maple Leaf page at for more about the coin itself and to gauge pricing. APMEX - The Gold Standard in Precious Metal Trading

What is the name of the common Canadian government issued fine gold coin?

maple leaf

What type of leaf is on the canadian flag?

The leaf on the Canadian flag is a maple leaf; specifically, a sugar maple leaf.

What kind of leaf is on the Canadian flag?

The leaf on the Canadian flag is a maple leaf. The reason why the maple leaf is used if because it represents nature and the environment which is an important part of Canada and Canadian history.