That would be US Scott Number 2417. A First Day Cover has a catalog value of $4.
Scott US#1270If it is a first day of issue, it should have a cancellation. A First Day Cover is likely to be worth about a dollar. Without the cancellation it is worth the same as a used stamp, about 15 cents.
Unmarked means it is not on cover and not cancelled. Which means it can't be a First Day of Issue. A First Day of Issue cover could cost 2 or 3 dollars. The individual stamp can be purchased for less than a dollar.
April 13, 1976. I have several with a postage stamp affixed and cancelled with the postmark (date).
If they aren't cancelled how would we know they are a first issue page? If you mean a sheet of the Elvis Stamps, they can still be used for face value of postage. You might be able to sell the sheet for about twice the face value.
Yes. if is not cancelled. Can be used like a forever stamp.
Lou Gehrig .25 cent Stamp FDI June 10, 1956The stamp will have little value canceled unless it ia a first day issue but the stamp was issued the .25 cents Lou Gehrig Stamp was issued by the US postal service on June 10, 1989. It would be hard to sell one stamp for more than .50 cents Collectors typically buy collectible stamps in sheets, or "plate blocks" of 4. The plate block includes the plate numbers from the printing process.A quick search on eBay shows full sheets of 20 only selling for $5.00 (face value) to $15. Plate blocks are selling for $3.-$5.The post office also sold framed cachets with the stamp first day issues that will sell as a display piece for about $20. -$30. First day issue cachets about $5.-$10. each
US states do not issue postage stamps. The US post office issued their first Christmas stamp in 1962. Canada issued the first stamp referred to as a Christmas Stamp. It was the map issue of 1898 and said XMAS 1898 on the stamp.
This stamp had its first day of issue on September 15, 1986.
{| |- | Scott Number 2721, 2724, and 2731 If it is truly cancelled prior to the first day of issue, it will have some premium value. A First Day of Issue cover goes for a little over a dollar. I would expect something like this would be worth a few dollars. There are three different types of this stamp, so make sure you know which one you have, as they were issued at different times. Consult a stamp catalog such as Scott's, for a description on how the stamps differ, as well as identifying the actual date of issue for each of the three types of stamps. |}
1996. It was a 32¢ stamp.
This stamp was issued in September 1951 commemorating the 75th Anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) of the American Chemical Society (1876-1951). The value of the stamp at issue was 0.3 cents. The symbol of the society is in the center of the stamp. As a valuable memento of the occasion, Merck & Co., Inc. sent a letter with the cancelled stamp to active members of the society on the first day of issue.
It is said that the stamp has been "cancelled".