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These coin replicas were made originally from 22 karat. then 18 karat, and later many were made of 8 karat. They are not expensive and the value depends on the karat of the coin and the weight and style of the bezel. And estimated retail would range from $30.00 to $80.00 depending on the above factors.They were not made in 1865. They have been around since the 1960's.

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No, "hanger" does not have a short vowel sound. The vowel sound in "hanger" is a long /eɪ/ sound.

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Hangar.Many people confuse the words hanger and hangarbecause they sound the same, but they have completely different meanings:A hanger is a kind of hook or other support that's used to hold something; e.g. a clothes hanger, a pipe hanger, etc.A hangar is a large building where aircraft or submarines are stored.

What is the name of the thing that you hang your clothes on?

It is called a clothes hanger.

What is the homophone for hanger?

Hangar.Be careful not to confuse them!A hanger is a hook or similar device that's used to hold something; e.g. a clothes hanger, a pipe hanger. etc.A hangar is a large building where aircraft or submarines are stored for protection and repair work.

What is the difference between a coat hanger and a regular hanger?

A clothes hanger is generally smaller than a coat hanger. A clothes hanger can also be made to fit the size of clothing--as an example, baby clothing uses baby-sized hangers. A true coat hanger is often larger and made of thicker, stronger metal to hold the weight of heavier material.