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Q: What is the value of a Mexican 1936 10 centavos coin?
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What is the value of a 10 centavos 1957 Mexican coin?

Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Portugal all made a 1957 10 Centavos coin, but only Mexico used the word Diez on the coin. A 1957 Mexican 10 Centavos coin is only worth $0.40US even if like new.

What is the value of a 1938 Mexican centavo?

The value of a 1928 Mexican centavos coin depends on the denomination and condition of the coin. The typical value is between 6 and 65 US dollars.

How much is a 20 centavos mexican coin worth in US dollars?

Face value, about 2 cents US.

What is the value of 1917 US filipinas ten centavos?

The value of a 1917 Philippines ten centavos coin is approximately $3.82. The collector value of this coin is only $3 above the silver value.

How to properly clean a 1935 mexican centavos coin without lossing any value?

Use non chemical cleaners and proceed very gently.

What is the value of a 1915 Philippines 5 centavos coin?

There is no 1915 five centavos minted in the Philippines, so I donot know the value.

What is the value of a 1994 Argentina 50 centavos coin?

I'm from Argentina, and I don't think that a 50 centavos coin will worth much, they are still circulating here and the current trade value is 50 centavos = 0.10 U.S Dollars

What is the value of a Mexican 1979 Cincuenta Centavos?

"Cincuenta" is spanish for "fifty" - you would need to know the country of issue and the condition of the coin in order to judge its value.

What is Value of 1952 Cuban coin venite centavos?

25 cents

Is there any silver in a 5 centavos?

No, a 5 centavos coin does not contain any silver. It is typically made from a base metal such as copper or nickel.