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Point 1 - A "Quarter"is the US term for a 25 cent coin. The British did not produce any "Quarters". Point 2 - Elizabeth II had not been born in 1861, and would not be for a further 60 plus years.

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13y ago

old ones like that in gem proof can go from 5$ to $200 now if it is a circulated coin around $1 to $50

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Doug Cooper

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5y ago

I have one in my possession I don't understand it but it's elizabeth 2 D.G Regina on the front 25 cents with a caribou on the back silver coin

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13y ago

78.5 dollars

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12y ago

It's worth 25 cents in Canada.

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Q: What is the value of a Queen Elizabeth DG Regina 1969 Canadian Quarter?
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Her Majesty Elizabeth II is the Queen of Canada and the Canadian head of State.As such, every coin minted since Her Majesty's ascension to the throne has featured the Queen's image.

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Regina is Latin for Queen. Depending on the year of your coin, it could be either Queen Victoria (1837 to 1901) or Queen Elizabeth II (1953 to present). DG or DEI GRA is abbreviated Latin for Dei Gratia - meaning, by the Grace of God.