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The one I have is priceless to me as I rocked both my sons in it, but the real value can be anywhere from $70- $3,000 depending on a few things.

If it is a replica (generally the back and seat are not hand woven and fall apart quickly) Replicas sell new for around $100, and fetch around $75 gently used.

If it is an actual Thonet and not a replica, it should surely get at least $100-$150.

There should be a number stamp, from that you can learn the age, as it gets older it becomes more pricey.

Last, of course the condition of the chair brings the price up. How well the woven seat and back have held up, the condition of the wood and things like that all bring up or down the chair value.

good luck, if you have a real thonet, in good condition . . . hold on to it (or sell it to me hehe)

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